Brammo Owners Forum

Brammo Enertia Discussion => Brammo Enertia => Topic started by: Brammofan on June 20, 2012, 05:01:11 PM

Title: Being a better Brammofan
Post by: Brammofan on June 20, 2012, 05:01:11 PM
No, this is not a thread about me losing weight or being kinder or more generous etc.  I'm talking about this Brammofan:


Inspired by today's "wish list" on the "geeky" thread (,

1. I wish I could tweak the temperature at which the fan came on.  I think I have to deal with this more than most people because I'm 6'3" and about 220 lbs., but my sense is that when the fan comes on at 160 degrees, it's too late for it to "catch up" with the heating already in progress.  150 would be better for me, and sometimes, 140 if it's a particularly hot day to start with.

2. I wish I could do something to increase the airflow around the motor.  The fan seems to make a lot of noise for the amount of air it moves. It's like, well, it needs some sort of duct or a little door on the side panel or something to open up.  

3. I wish I had a cover on my fan like the one shown in the photo. Not sure if my Enertia is a later model or what, but my fan blades are exposed.  

And no, I don't get temperature faults (the dreaded "Thermal Cutback D6 - Motor temperature too high").  I've gotten them before, but it's been a long time.  I want to get this kind of cooling because I know that the motor is more efficient at cooler temperatures and that prolonged operation at high temperature will shorten its life.

I often wonder, as a result of the fairly common and longstanding complaint of "The fan is too loud," if Brammo has equipped later models of the Enertia Classic and the Enertia Plus with quieter and/or better fans.

It's been awhile since Brian or the various techs have dropped in to comment on the forum - totally understandable, of course.  They have so much going on right now.  Looks like they don't get out much these days, if the squinting and the pale skin in their team photo  ( any indication. Still, I'd love to have about half an hour of his (or their) time to get some of these questions answered.  

Maybe we need to lobby for another Google+ chat session - but instead of watching me drink beer and listening to me complain about the video feed from the Empulse launch, we can invite Brian or Aaron or someone "techy" to speak.
Title: Re: Being a better Brammofan
Post by: Gavin on June 21, 2012, 02:32:24 PM
Great idea about the chat with a real live Brammo humanoid person...

"Mine" doesn't have the cover either.

Me? Ha, I am vain and chatty and would be tempted to do just the opposite of BFAN....

If I could I would have the fan come on at an even higher temp....I tend to talk to people at quite a few lights or stops or pulling into our out of the garage at work etc etc...

When the bike is cool and quiet,  I chat easily and long...if the fan is on I often talk much less or even try and avoid having a conversation...I don't want to talk "over" the fan...kills the whole "electrics are silent".

A couple of times I've turned off the bike at a red light to chat...the whole time watching for the crossing light to turn yellow so I can correctly time my restart procedure...

Vain is my middle name....

Title: Re: Being a better Brammofan
Post by: protomech on June 21, 2012, 02:49:39 PM
I really appreciate the cooling design on the Zero. I've only had the overheat indicator come on a couple of times, and each of those times were sustained 80+ mph riding (dropping me down to 75 mph or so).

Empulse's liquid-cooling should allow you to sustain 100 mph riding for as long as you want to tax the batteries.