Author Topic: Fox News 180?  (Read 521 times)


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Fox News 180?
« on: April 02, 2012, 11:59:33 AM »
Amazing. I have no idea what kind of backroom deal went on for this to happen, but after months Fox News beating up the Chevy Volt, they've done a complete 180 degree turn.
(And yes, I do believe that Fox News has a narrative that they want to promote. E.g. I heard some time ago that there was a rule stating that climate change could not be mentioned without also mentioning the controversy.)

The spin of "The Volt is Obama's; attack the Volt to attack Obama" has changed to a spin of "The Volt is good for national security". I have to give them credit for knowing their audience. Rather than try to appeal to caring for the environment, the argument goes like this:

In Ohio, the electricity in the volt is supplied by coal. Vehicle electrification is the only way to use American coal to drive cars.

But I'm not complaining! Like it was said in "Revenge of the Electric Car": "Electric vehicles get cleaner each year." Or at least the can get cleaner as power plants get cleaner.

I'll be curious to see if the rest of Fox News is going that way, or if it was just that one show.
Richard #935 #595 #44