General > Victory Empulse

Service cables for Victory Empulse TT

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As I mentioned above, I downloaded this software to "spy" on the RS485 communication:

Here's a snapshot of my RS485 data stream for Module 5, 6 & 7. The file can be opened using the above software:

I'm curious how the Modules RS485 communicates with the VCU, etc. Does the VCU read the RS485 data looking for faults? How does the interlock come into play when there's a fault? Would appreciate any insights - I'm digging into it a bit - not sure if I'll find anything useful.

The Battery Diagnostic software has some interesting utilities. In the "Advanced" tab you can "Start Real Time Logging," which outputs the attached files (I ran it separately for Modules 1,2,3,4 and Modules 5,6,7).

Data for Modules 5, 6, 7

EV promise:
Hi, some interesting data there. Much of it the same as in the data logger. What I was surprised by was the maximum temperature and voltage of module 6. 109deg C and 5v. I can see how a faulty temperature sensor would be a problem but 5v! How would that happen? Max voltage should be 4.2 but limited to 4.17v I think to protect the cells. What were your thoughts?

You're very observant EV promise! I'm a little skeptical that the voltage measurement is accurate since it has some many zeros (5.000000). But who knows? Let me do some more digging in the full log files...


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