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New Empulse owner in SF

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Hello to anyone still listening.. My name is David and I am a semi-retired motorcycle mechanic/machinist in San Francisco. I am the new owner of a used 2013 Empulse, my first electric motorcycle (43 previous ICE bikes).  The bike tis occasionally showing a B55 battery 30% lower than other batteries.  I am a tinkerer and will try to determine which battery is bad and find or build a replacement, although I think I read that this could be a bug and the batteries are not out of range.  If anyone has bikes/parts for sale, I am interested.  Also, to any former Brammo personnel, I am very disappointed as to the total non-support for what is considered a dead product. I realize there are no new Brammos to buy and we tinkerers don't matter but releasing all information would be helpful to keep these bikes running and not junked.  Electric vehicles were meant to help the planey - not be landfill in less than 10 years.   

There is a digital copy of the Brammo service manual on this forum somewhere. 

The Brammos support is non existent.  Hopefully nothing major goes wrong with your bike because there are almost no parts for it because the electronics are slightly different than the Victory Empulse TT and are not interchangeable.  I can't get anyone to work on my Empulse TT so I'd imagine it's even worse with the Brammo.


What H/O said....  Nice to see someone excited about these bikes again....  Look forward to your tinkering efforts....  These are fun bikes....

EV promise:
Hi, just a thought about your batteries. Whilst charging, if you press the two buttons on the dashboard together. The display shows the highest and lowest voltage readings plus other info. Would be helpful to have it explained.
Mine had lots of A`s. Not so many now. Service manual does show how to remove the modules. Unplug the power connector first though. Bold move but might come to us all. Once out I've seen on here you can charge individual cells. Take care

Ok on the charger  with the two buttons pressed I get
H07: 4.130 L13: 4.051      V:113  I:07  SOC :86 
 Does this mean high battery voltage at 4.130 and low battery at 4.051 volts? I don't understand as the seven batteries are at about 16 volts so are these 4+volt high-low numbers individual cell voltages? None of these numbers are at a 30% difference that should thrown the bike into the (must charge now panic mode). I will tinker...David


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