Here's some more student-made advertising: this time from deviantArt:
3 posters made by a deviant named amyjenc1 think these posters are really interesting because of a number of things:
-I like how the color schemes match the different shots of the bikes (which are great shots by themselves btw).
-The way the "0" titles draw you in because they seem to be negative is really effective; especially since the fine print turns the meaning of them into something positive, even questioning the way the viewer thinks about transportation. (Although I think the "0 mpg" statistic she uses is kind of odd, and the storage isn't really accurate since Brammo sells saddlebags... just saying.)
I just thought all of this was relevant and interesting, though I can't help but think back on Brammofan's comment in the Brochure thread. I'm not going into advertising!.. Though maybe I could.
About dA, I invite you to check out my dA portfolio, the link is in my profile!
To save you a click I'll put it here if you're interested: