The windscreen pictured on the Brammo website - 2014 Empulse Gear & Accessory page is on indefinite backorder with no ETA according to an unnamed source at Brammo. I'm guessing(?) Brammo just shows a picture to see if there is going to be any interest. Every inquiry I've made on the subject results in the suggestion checking the windscreens on Twisted Throttle which I would have done if I wanted an MRA offering or some such. The nice thing about the Brammo windscreen was the custom bracket that attached the windscreen to the headlamp cowl, - clean, no handle bar bracket clutter. So where's the Brammo windscreen?, - inquiring minds would like to know.
The same might be asked about the Brammo "Tidy Tail" which I thought was more attractive than the current aftermarket application. The Brammo version allowed for retaining the carbon fiber tail lamp assy. cowl, - the aftermarket app uses a different (flat black) cowl and is a bit too "tidy" for my liking.
Shame on whoever's doing Brammo's accessories because it's a half-a$$ed, BS effort. Don't advertise it if it's not available to sell.