Sorry you didn't get a chance to ride. Where are you located? I bet I could put in a good word for you with some Brammo techs I know.
The "loud pipes save lives" argument is a losing proposition, partially for the reason you state. Even when my radio is off, my Honda Pilot is so soundproof that I don't hear the bikes until they are maybe right next to me... sometimes not until their pipes are pointing right at me.
When I ride, I need to be the responsible one - I just keep telling myself: "See that car? The driver has been paid by my ex-wife to run me over." I say that about every car and so far, so good. It almost failed me a couple weeks ago, but now I've added this: "See that open road? My ex-wife paid a silent ninja deer with exploding antlers to bound out of the bushes and assassinate me."