I have owned two Tesla's in my life, a 2014 Model S and a 2018 Model 3. Both were single motor cars with the minimum diameter wheels installed. Operating in central Florida, both cars would meet their rated range if driven carefully. Cold weather, rain, high speeds, etc. would impact range. I recently drove a friends new model Y, dual motor, with 20" wheels. In Michigan, I was hard pressed to get a reliable 200 mile range out of a car that is supposed to do over 300 miles. When driven to the best of my ability (for range) I was able to get within a couple of miles of the rated range. Driving it without care for acceleration and speed limits just killed the range. Remember, all these cars were tested by the government and certified as to their range---and that is what is advertised. Look at our Empulse's and you can meet the rated range---but that's no fun.