Ha...heck yeah...
I've had flats before...heck, I've had a blow out before at WOT on my 150cc scooter...going 55 and having a blow out is "exciting"....I would prefer not to be that excited again anytime soon, but eh, what happens happens
As for brake failure, eh, again a scooter guy...I'm not afraid of my rear brake, I use it all the time on my smaller scooter and do a lot of linked braking on my bigger ride....
As for fires....never had any of my rides catch fire (but did have a moving truck I was driving cross country catch fire...but that is a hella long story), but I have jumped and dived away from my bike once when she had an air leak at the carb and I swear she sounded like a grenade about to go off...I had pulled over to a side street as she was revving very high and turned off the engine and she just kept revving higher and higher and I thought she would explode any second...luckily what ever fuel in the carb finally burned out before catastrophic failure)...
But in truth, in 6 years of daily riding and over 20k in scooter miles I have had no accidents and few issues (3 flats, a few fouled plugs as my 2 stoke is a bit of a dirty bird, and one wheelie that got away from me and my poor bike hit the ground....I did not hit the ground as I hopped off the back once I realized the front tire was higher than my head and I was not going to bring her back under control...another long story...basically happened three blocks from store I bought my scooter at...in front of a bus stop at the University entrance so 100 college kids watched me do what to me was an unintentional wheelie, but they likely thought, ha, look at the show-off drop his bike...sigh...
Anyways, stuff happens...you try and be safe as possible and then slip in the shower and break your neck and that cute paramedic at work that you have been trying to impress for the last 6 months gets to see your bloated dead naked body--which is never a good look and of course you did not land presenting your "good side"-- and as she wheels you into OMI that is the only image she will ever remember you by...or something like that...
So ride safe and every morning tell your family you love them just in case...