I agree that the bike HAS to be upgradeable from a battery point of view.
After testing electric cars on Top Gear UK James May said that 'all batteries are rubbish'. Apart from driving the personal portable electronic revolution plus countless other quality of life improvements, he was right.............. I do know what he means though. If you think of any rechargeable battery powered device you have the batteries are letting them down - iphone, laptop, radios, you name it, the batteries are the weak spot. My iphone is a wonderful device, but it keeps going for a fraction the time it did when I bought it. Batteries have a life and it's a relatively short one.
I will buy an Empulse, partly because it will eventually either be 'one of the first' or 'one of the few' - Hydrogen power development is moving fast. Whichever it is, first or few, the Empulse is a cool thing and also has the bonus of being able to transport me to and from work cheaply. Unless I am going to be very pleasantly surprised(hope I am), it will not be able to compete with high end ICE bikes and sports bike wise I'd be better off with a speed triple. BUT, it is something new and exciting and I'm hoping the ICE group won't have to wait long for me to catch up on a ride out.
However, technology moves fast and it would be nice if not necessary, to know that if new battery technology is developed I can upgrade and keep my 'one of the first' moving longer and faster. To my mind, it's the only way Brammo are going to be able to sell to the mass markets.
Regardless, it's exciting times for bike and ev fans - us!