I think Brammo will offer a 5 module Empulse 6.7 kWh and a 7 module 9.3 kWh.
We know Enertia Plus is $11k at 6.2 kWh.
I'm guessing the extra hardware (liquid cooling, IET, 3 kW charger, bigger/stickier tires) will add around $3000 to the bike cost. Most of that is in the IET and bigger motor. Add $500 for the extra cells gets us to $14500.
Zero's battery pack upgrade (5.3 -> 7.9 kWh) is $2500, so let's say Brammo's pricing is the same (6.7 -> 9.3 kWh = +$2500).
Then we have Brammo's bikes:
$8k Enertia 3.1 kWh (not sure how they're going to pull this off .. 44v 70Ah?)
$11k Enertia Plus 6.2 kWh
$14.5k Empulse 6.7 kWh
$17k Empulse 9.3 kWh
Brammo wasn't super-aggressive with the Enertia Plus pricing, I don't expect them to be very aggressive here. The Empulse is a premium bike and is priced accordingly .. note that I'm basically keeping the same pricing as my
earlier guess.
And the competition:
$7.7k Zero XU ZF3 2.6 kWh
$11.5k Zero S/DS ZF6 5.3 kWh
$14k Zero S/DS ZF9 7.9 kWh
Final production reveal in May, I assume we'll see the preorder confirmations going out around that time as well. That puts first deliveries in August, assuming they stick with their schedule.
Assuming Brammo delivers an Empulse 9.3 kWh for $17k in August, Hollywood Electrics will be right in a way. Brammo isn't delivering the 10 kWh $14k bike they were talking about in July 2010. But it surely will ship, and it's going to rock people's socks when it arrives.