Well, i was working on a more lengthy analysis of energy consumption in electric vehicles, splitting up usage into polynomial categories (e.g. static usage from e.g. the computer systems is x^0, but wind drag is in the x^2 - class) in the hope it might interest someone (except me of course), and also include some qulified estimations about e.g the energy required to climb a mountain or acclerate rapidly.
At the moment im working on frictional losses and how important they are, and about accleration processes im still quite clueless, so if someone might want to join in (I think the wiki might be approximate), hes welcome :)
That might turn into a article-series explaining why electric motors are so awesome *by design*, how they work in general and a bit more in detail. Furthermore battery chemistry might be explained, but i would have to work myself into that first.
The level im aiming at is about ISCED 2-3 (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Classification_of_Education), so stuff you should have heard about in school, but might have forgotten cause it was so boring :D
Not higher, cause I could not provide that service(I dont study physics, just mathematics ;) ), not lower, cause that would be boring, and could be provided by the zero-flyer flying around (
So a good deal more formulas and calculating than above flyer, but still some explanation.
So are people interested in it or does everybody know this stuff well enough to not wonder about it?
In the second case, we still may consider working out a few pages in the wiki in order to push general interested public too it, or to tell newbies to RTFM ;)
Im in for replys,
PS: Latex rendering for the wiki might be nice, technically.