Chelsea Sexton congratulates Harry on becoming the first Brammo Evangelist.
Chelsea is the star of "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and is a wealth of information on all things EV given her positions as a senior advisor to VantagePoint Venture Partners, Plug In America's initial Executive Director and as a consulting producer on Chris Paine's upcoming "Revenge of the Electric Car".
Harry in his own words.
“What an honor to be chosen as this year's Brammo Evangelist of the Year. I have to say that it's the easiest award I've ever won. All it required was an epiphany: we can't continue to burn fossil fuels to get us from point A to point B. Some time after watching "An Inconvenient Truth" and "Who Killed the Electric Car," I realized that it was time to change our thinking about how we move around our world.
About that time, I became aware of an electric motorcycle company in Ashland, Oregon, that had a motto I could get behind: Changing the World, Two Wheels at a Time. The more I investigated this company, the more I liked what I saw. The design of the bike paid respect to history, but broke new ground with an eye toward the future.
I began "Brammofan" because the mission of the company dovetailed perfectly with my own awareness of the need to move society toward an acceptance of electric vehicles. My mission became: Make Brammo Succeed. My sense is that they are definitely headed in the right direction but that road ahead is unclear. The mission continues.”