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A folding electric city car


It seems like electric vehicles have really encouraged some designers to think out of the box. I assume that is because they no longer have to deal with gasoline fuel tanks, coolant systems, gearboxes, drive shafts, exhaust systems and heavy motors (having been replaced with heavy batteries).

In an article last week, Steven Ashley of the NYT writes about designers in Spain who have teamed up with MIT to design an 8-foot long car that folds up into a 5-foot long configuration so that three of them can be parked in a standard auto parking stall. It is strictly a city car, designed for car-sharing. It is powered by four 5 hp electric motors, one on each wheel, uses the usual Li batteries, but it only has a top speed of 31 mph and you get in and out through the front windshield, like a 1950's BMW Isetta. You get a really good view of where you are going, but you don't want to be involved in a front-end collision, although it looks like it could survive a 31-mph hit.  The Fold (catchy name) is expected to go on sale in 2013 with plans to sell to cities, including San Francisco (naturally, as they have lots of cash to spend on weird things). I hope it has good brakes.  Selling price is expected to be about $16,400. The car is cute and innovative, but I think I will stick with my electric motorcycle, thank you very much.

Article link for the lazy:


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