As others have said: If racing is pushing and helping Brammo with their bikes, keep racing. Plus I know Brian has a team that enjoys it (even if it does eat up their weekends with no extra pay).
But it is expensive. I can see A) cutting back or even B) taking a year off...but...
I like that Brammo is racing the gas bikes. It would be nice to go to bigger events. Racing at Seca in the gas bikes group would be insane. And would open a few eyes.
I have heard a number of times from people asking if Brammo is racing at the Isle of does seem to be the one event that if Brammo could post a great number, and have bikes to sell (hint to Motoczysz and Mugen--a one off bike isn't getting electric bikes on the streets...though maybe the start-ups don't want to wake up Honda just yet
) well Isle of Man seems to be the race to go to.
But it is hella expensive and the bike would have to be rock solid...though I bet both Eric and Shane would love a trip across the pond. And Brammo would have to figure in the cost of flying me over to report on the event
gah, I don't know. I like that Brammo is the same time I want the Empulse 2014 model to be a nice leap over the 2013...does racing help or hurt that? And I want an Enertia 2.0 that is two person and has 130 mile I have a lot of wants
And as Shinysideup mentions...a touring style bike would be grand. But I actually see that as the Enertia 2.0. The Enertia with a bit more girth and weight, a bit more battery and a bigger seat.
And as I was riding down the freeway today at 80 mph...yes, come winter I will be wanting a windshield of some type.
G 3750 miles now on the Empulse. Next photo event will be the Day of the Dead Parade. Last year I was a Day of the Dead Panda Head...the crowd loved it and I got on two newspapers...sadly I was riding my Piaggio MP3 500 as I was "between" Brammo bikes at the time. This year I will be riding the Empulse for sure. I am going to be a Day of the Dead Sock Monkey Head this year. Paper Mache is fun.
just finished the comes the painting.