Brammo Empulse Discussion > Brammo Empulse FAQ

SYSTEM FAULT S82SEVCON - Line Contactor welded


Anyone with this error? or had the error and solve it?

Bike sometimes turns off and appears this error. It can happen when riding or when I go to turn it on to ride.

Open the controller and found a screw not well screwed, thinking was that but no.

Happen again.

Please help.

I now have Error  S82 as well and have not been able to get my bike started =/

CyberG, from SoCal
2014 Brammo Empulse

Find the contactor and give it a good tap. If it's welded shut, it is closed, and the controller is powered when it shouldn't be.

Took it to Indian Motorcycles of Orange County, Westminister, CA. Like Frodus stated, the problem was the amin contactor; however that part had to be bought as part of an larger assembly.
As I don't know how this part failed. I'm going to start the bike by the book. I was starting my bike by pushing the Start button immediately, as I turned the key. (leaving the switch in run at all times)
Can't be too careful =/


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