Well the upside is that the weather has been revised for tomorrow...
A low of -2, high of 14 degrees...so a great chance of some single digit riding...maybe a minus degrees riding...which would be a first for me.
The downside is that today the schools were canceled because the town is covered in ice.
I actually wussed out and took the bus...I've ridden on totally ice-covered roads before...it is actually both fun as hell and absolutely scary as hell. I prefer completely iced-over rides to work vs random black ice, but I've told myself not to do it anymore....the people of Albuquerque have no idea how to ride in snow or ice.
Me, I used to take my smaller scooter on ice. Lighter, lower...I would go 15 mph and have both feet off the sides and sliding on the ground like outriggers. Worked great. No slipping, no sliding...actually very smooth...you do have to watch for bare, non iced-over spots...but for complete 100% iced-over roads, kinda fun.
But half the time I would have a huge pickup 5 feet off my rear tire...very very scary...If I slid or fell the truck would 100% drive right over me...no way could they have stopped....Drove me crazy. Hello, there is a lane next to me that you can pass me on if I'm going too slow for you...but 5 feet off my rear wheel is NOT the place to be, thank you very much.
Anyways...hoping the ice melts today*** and the weather tomorrow is cold as heck, but dry.
Grrrr, if I have to take the bus tomorrow I will be pissed....perhaps I could get up super early and ride before all the crazies are running into curbs and spinning through intersections like this morning. I forget just how many cars in Albuquerque are rear wheel drive until the city ices over and every pickup truck and sports car is fish tailing on the green lights...
***yes it won't get above freezing...and we don't do salt on our roads here at all...but if the sun comes out, well our sun is hella strong...the sun will melt the ice and our dry air will suck all the moisture up into the sky...so a bit of sun today will give me some dry roads for the morning commute...I just hope we don't have a cloud covered day.