OMG was it beautiful. And HOT. Over 80 degrees and no breeze.
But just a lovely day. AND SO MANY HUMANS!!!!
At least a thousand in the parade alone...and then over a mile of people lining the road. It was insane.
I will put up some photos and video later.
I didn't get to film while riding because:
A) Panda Head...I now know what it's going to be like if I have glaucoma when I'm 80...Even at 2 mph I was having a tough time.
B) I had a lovely passenger....Jessi....and thought I should ride safe.
C) I couldn't see, but everyone, Jessi included, was throwing candy to the kids and they are darting out into the street to get it...running over an adorable 4 year old who is wearing day of the dead makeup is a No No...even here in New Mexico.
I forget just how much work it is...and with today being HOT, well I was sweating in that big head. (it is not usually over 80 degrees in November...)
But the head was a hit...everybody was yelling out, "Panda...Panda"...well except one kid who yelled out "Kitty"...and one who yelled, "Koala Bear"....
Jessi said it was like riding with a rock star.
Fun times....even groups of usually surly teens were stopping Jessi and I and asking to have their picture taken with us...
Sad I wasn't on a Brammo...I was on my MP3-500...People tend to like the MP3 as it is pretty unique...but next year for sure on a Brammo....
I will make bigger eye holes and maybe better ventilation next year...or just up my motorcycle insurance to cover running over small children...
jessi already put up a self portrait on nothing yet...gotta go to the bros and watch football...then the other bros to watch walking dead...
busy busy