I would love to hear more about being able to upgrade to the new dashboard!
In the meantime, I thought I'd collect some thoughts and sound people out on improvements to the content of the dash board. Here are some thoughts that I've had over the year of ownership:
- (DST) automatic Daylight Savings Time - the bike knows the date and time, why do we have to adjust the clock twice a year?
- (BAR) bar graphs replacing unreadable numbers - think of an old graphic equalizer with a jumpy bar and some dampened tickmarks showing recent highs and lows, primarily for the power numbers
- (HIS) bar graph history for various power numbers (with or without (?) touchy-feely "I saved a unicorn with rainbows" icons for periods of high efficiency? Or maybe a Butch Brammo Bull icon for periods of particularly prolonged power output?)
- (ALL) ability to show all numbers at once (probably without a label) to avoid having to switch through the modes just to check some other number
- (LOL) turn by turn navigation with live traffic updates and satellite imagery, voice prompting/control and running distance to nearest charger or racetrack?
(OK, one of those may be a bit ambitious...)
One additional thought on DST - while it may be a small annoyance twice a year, the fact that the machine keeps logs really suggests that it should be divorcing the concept of absolute time from displayed time and having to actually change the real time on the clock creates ambiguity in the logs. While the time changes happen in the middle of the night and the thought may be "most riders won't actually be using the bike when the time changes so there would not really be a major ambiguity shift in the logs", that reasoning falls down for a couple of reasons:
- the bike has to be on to change the time so, by definition, a log is being generated while the time is changing even if that is the only thing that happens on that "run"
- most riders would not be changing their clocks until the next time they rode the bike, which means the time stamp ambiguity would actually happen during an actual log of an actual ride
- 2am may be "down time" for most bikes, but EV bikes are most likely being charged at that time (and running a charge log with timestamps)
If fully automatic DST is too involved, it would at least be useful to have a simple "set the time zone offset from GMT" setting so that the actual running time would remain absolute and just the displayed time in the dash would have an offset that changes twice a year for the rider's convenience (and fewer button presses to change it twice a year than to go into a full clock adjustment).