well, lower limit would be (perfect solar cells, on the equator at noon, perfect loading efficiency): 1.14 square meters.
http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%289.31kwh+%2F+6h%29+%2F+solar+constanti dont really know what youre after:
a) a quick estimation based on power ? then about 10-15 m^2 which should be a reasonable sized roof (a rought estimation would be lower limit * 5 (cause of nonperfect panels with efficiency about 20%) * 1.3 (youre not living near the equator, are you?) * 1.4 (its not always noon) * 1.3 (loading / other electrical inefficiencies))
b) or a over-a-year-average-estimation based on energy (look at VYs post for that)?
a) gives you the sad insight that it would be very, very hard to achieve nice cruising speeds on a car by solar input alone, even with perfect conditions :|
my father once build an experimental leightweight aerodynamic vehicle for a contest going from munich to northern italy, but the average travel speed achieved by the winner was no higher than 40-50 km/h.