Hi friends,
I' m a new Italian Brammo Empulse R owner.
I bought my Brammo few days ago and I know perfectly all problems for my bike future life but I love it, so I decided to buy it. It's the last Italian Brammo, it is used and I found it in a dealer (15k km).
I already wroght to Brammo asking news about spare parts (like batteries or others) but Brammo, until today, did not sent me an aswer.
So I decided to looking for all Brammo suppliers to contact them and create a catalog for all brammo ownwers. I already received a positive answer from IET Spa but I hope in a positive answer from Brammo too for batteries.
So, in this moment, I create a Brammo Owner Club on Facebook for all Brammo Owner whom want to rest in contact and give and receive informations from others owners or about the spare parts catalog.
Thanks you for add me in to this forum and I hope you like our fb page to help it to became an useful page for all Brammo Owner whom will need help when the brend live us alone. All toghetr we can be strong! Unity is strength.
(Sorry for my basic English