Thank you.
I've used a power supply: @12,5V current draw was only 60mA.
As I've a complete set of 7 almost unused original Battery-Modules as "spare parts",
I can test them individually out off the bike in my workshop.
Interesting note:
When the temperature is below 15°C the single module itself starts to self-heating itself once the Batt diag Tool is connected.
The Tool states -3,3A current "draw" @ 15,9V Module-Voltage.
Resulting in about 50W/Module, 350W/Pack.
So the module qualification test will fail in the "current draw" sub-test (should be between -200 / +200mA).
At 15°C and higher the test will pass.
One Remark regarding the Heating:
I've observed up to 900W Energy consumption (measured at the outlet) once the Pack will be charged at low temps and the Dash shows a full pack with no balancing at cell- or pack-level anymore.