UPDATE _ We finally got an effective way of dealing with forum spam. Therefore, I'm locking this topic.
We are getting bombed hourly with dozens of forum spammers trying to register as members.
Until we can figure out something more challenging than the current registration method, we are turning off registration altogether.
If you are a real human being, are really interested in becoming a member of this forum, and promise that you are not a spammer, then we might be able to accommodate you.
Send an email to admin at brammoforum dot com with the following information:
1. Your real name.
2. Your requested username.
3. An essay of at least 50 words explaining why you want to be a member.
4. A brief description of your motorcycle riding history.
5. This statement: "I swear to you on all that is holy, that I am not a spammer. So help me [insert your favorite deity, higher power, or other swear-worthy entity here]."
6. This statement: "If it turns out that I am a spammer, I hereby agree to be prosecuted under United States laws for perjury, and to quietly serve my time in
PMITA Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas, USA"
Any questions?