There was, there is and there will always be an aftersales service for all the Brammo customers in Europe.
I am personally responsible for the european service like I always been before, so I would kindly ask you to contact me directly if you have any issues with your bike.
I am available for you via:
Office: 0049 8679 916 700
Mobile : 0049 172 855 4 668
Please understand that this forum is not the best way to get in contact with service people or to get help in case you have issues with your bike.
The best thing to do is to contact service directly.
I hope I was able to make clear that service is still running!
Thank you,
Marcin Sakowski
Service Manager Europe
At first I was not going to put this on the forum, because my English is not good. (so Google translate, sorry)
Marcin Sakowski and TheSpecialOne write nice words, but I do not believe it and I speak from experience. I'm sorry I bought a Brammo. It's a great engine, but the service of Brammo's is very bad (understatement)
I really feel sad about Brammo, two things:
1: 2-2-2016 my speed sensor broke, i ordered immediately a new one, but I think this part is still not in the Netherlands, 3 months
2: 19-03-2016 my Brammo, while driving, suddenly stops, nothing more, I drove about 70km per hour, while rolling I turned off the ignition and start again. The Brammo drove again, a few km later, he went out suddenly, code S85. I brought the Brammo directly to the dealer and he is seven weeks later, still there
The dealer contacted Brammo (Marcin Sakowski) because he had questions without result. Quote Marcin Sakowski "This forum is not the best way to get in contact with service people or to get help in case you have issues with your bike", I understand, but I don't know how else, I want my bike back, what other motor manufacturer would do so?
The engine is my commuter transportation, I really can not do without, I am sad and hope it will be solved quickly.
Brammo Empulse R (Red Cobra) 2014, 9500km