Author Topic: Introducing Dutch Brammo owner  (Read 2341 times)


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Introducing Dutch Brammo owner
« on: September 30, 2023, 10:17:14 AM »
Hi there,..

Great forum! I have done a lot of reading already, but since I would like to contribute and/or make use or all the knowledge here I just registered. And with a new member a short introduction:

I'm Bert and from he Netherlands, Europe. I'm 45 years old and riding bikes since i'm 18. I have ridden all sorts of bikes. Small bikes, big bikes, fast and slow and everything in between. I'm an mechanical engineer and as such also like to work on bikes. And with that my bike fascination is not complete, cause I also do motorsport. An agility sport called: motogymkhana. It's not so hard to explain, but much easier to show:

Fast forward to Brammo: I am into electric motorcycles since I drove one of the first Zero's here in NL and loved the acceleration and quiet ride. However I didn't like the Zero because of the slow acceleration from standstil. My goal would be to also use it for motogymkhana and the Zero just wasn't fast enough. At that time I was riding a CB1 for motogymkhana (400cc, not a fast bike) and from standstill it just trashed the Zero (FSX). Also drove Energica's and every other E-Bike, but nothing was really my liking,.. yep,.. i'm hard to please.. ;)

So I decided to build my own. Ive done project before and,. did I mention I was an engineer,.. ;) However getting a electric-motorbike licensed in NL is a pain. And for my sport a bike needs to be licensed. So,.. the dream of building an E-bike vanished soon. My new idea was to buy a cheap E-bike, so I would have an registerd E-bike frame and build my dream bike on that. But the year writes 2015 or 16 and 2nd hand Zero's were still rare and very expensive. Not a good investment for an rebuilding project. So I waited...

Until last summer and a Brammo came on my path. Seemed like a great basis for my ideas. The bike looked like new and rode like new. It was not expensive as it's getting old, parts and service are rare. So I decided it would be great for my intentions. I would buy it, ride it, commuting to get to know it and enjoy it. And sould it break, it would be the perfect basis for whatever plan I would have in the future,.. :)

And now it broke.. :( B40 error. I already read a lot about it here, but still have some questions. Since I don't intent to use it for Motogymkhana just yet, I would like to solve the error and keep commuting with it. Hope you guys can help me. I will start a different thread for the B40 issue.

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Re: Introducing Dutch Brammo owner
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2023, 11:05:25 AM »
Great to have you onboard. Sad your Empulse has developed a fault. I ride a 2014 Empulse R here in the UK, had it nearly 3 years.
We will help to find the cause of the error. The place to start is to download a recent charge or riding file from the data logger under the seat.
I'll leave any further comments to your next post under the new heading.
Brammo Empulse R 2014
Aprilia Shiver 900 2018
Ducati 750SS 1997

Korbin Dallas

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Re: Introducing Dutch Brammo owner
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2023, 08:09:50 AM »
Welcome to the forum. Hope we can help.
2013 Brammo Empulse #602 INOP Sold
2016 Victory Empulse #199
2003 Suzuki SV1000S