I didnt do the test ride, either! I did sit on the bike because it appeared tall! Thank goodness I have long legs.
I hope the ladies strongly consider this bike. The ease of handling, the fact that there is no clutch or shifting, the 250cc, and the fact that it is less than 400lbs makes it a perfect "first" bike for ANYONE who has little or no experience. I cant say enough about how EASY this bike is to ride.
I also hope Brammo considers a model..Enertia-ette..that can accomodate the rider of a shorter stature. I believe that more women would purchase them with that model available. Perhaps by next May..Women Riders Month. Need a female spokes-person??
If they do consider the shorter model, make it available in some girlie colors. Pink, Purple, and red! But, not the same pink that mine is...I want to be unique!!
Brammofan..thanx for the smiley faces. They just crack me up! Could ya tell??