Author Topic: Accessing UBMS and CAN Data for offboard charger  (Read 2400 times)


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Accessing UBMS and CAN Data for offboard charger
« on: March 14, 2012, 11:18:18 PM »

I'm an EE so naturally I had to get inside my Enertia and mess with it a bit.  I have designed some fast chargers for other vehicles including the Nissan Leaf (ie Chademo).  20 to 50kW chargers are my thing so I built a smaller one for fast charging by bike without use of the onboard charger.  What I was wondering, as I have sent a similar request to Valence and Brammo but haven't gotten needed data yet.

So what I wondered was if anyone here can provide me with the CAN data format that the valence batteries speak so that I know how to talk with them.  Its CAN so just provide the speed and format of the data fields would be great!  I'm sure Brammo and Valence have the data just asking if we the customer could also get it?

HB Brammo Enertia


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Re: Accessing UBMS and CAN Data for offboard charger
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2012, 12:11:29 AM »
No idea, would guess you'd either have to sniff it or get Valence to spill the beans, so to speak.

Let us know if you find the interface specs.

Also, post some more about the offboard charger you're working on when you can : )
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