So last week I see a battery fault code while riding on the freeway. (Don't ask me the number, because I've forgotten it by now!)
Later, in the evening, I mention that the bike threw a code in an email to Adam Lukoic, Brammo's Service Manager, with whom I had been corresponding about the 12V accessory current capacity. I asked Adam if he thought I could ride the bike without damaging it. This was around 10 pm. At 11 pm, he emails me back, asking me to send him the bike's log files for the last 2 days. After finding the very cute thumb drive under the seat, I copy the files to him.
The next morning he calls me to tell me the logs pointed to a technical condition about one of the batteries that, while not at all dangerous, the techies would like the chance to check everything out in the factory environment, to nip any problems in the bud, here, at the start of production.
The very next day, with the fault code having erased itself after an overnight charge, I drive the bike to Scuderia West, where Brammo has arranged for me to receive a loaner, while their driver trucks my bike back to its home base in Ashland.
My bike is coming back to me today, within a week, and Adam called me to say they learned some things that will help them improve their assembly techniques going forward, and, oh, just to make sure this fluke wouldn't be repeated again on my bike, they took the opportunity to replace all seven of my batteries!
Now THAT's some service.
I was fully aware, when I ordered the Empulse, that I was an early adopter and therefore expected some "issues" to surface. No manufacturer (not even Toyota or BMW) can anticipate all the permutations that can happen in the real world. I'm very grateful that the company behind this great product happens to have immense integrity and efficient follow-through. I feel very well taken care of.
Thank you Adam, Brammo, and Scuderia West.