I have the front-style Pit Bull stand and it works fine, but it will tend to hit the left foot peg by default.
I suppose you could tape the left foot peg up to keep it out of the way, but I don't bother.
What I do is stand on the left so I can control the transfer of weight off of the side stand onto the spools. You will have plenty of clearance to get the bike spools steady on the stand and holding the bike steady before the handle reaches the peg. Then once I have the stand engaged firmly in both spools I keep one hand on the Pit Bull handle to keep the bike steady, gently lift the peg out of the way with the other hand and then push down. You should be able to get the lever well past the foot peg with one hand, if not entirely down to the floor.
Taking it off of the stand doesn't require anything special as the handle will tip the foot peg out of the way as it comes up.