I'm 120 miles away. Called the dealer today asking if they could send me a thumb drive, but it sounds like the install is a little more complicated. They wanted to install it on their demo first, too. If I can't make it up there this Saturday, it will likely be the end of May before I get a free weekend. This would be an all day trip for me since I would need about 6 hours of level II charging to make it there and back based on the range I've been getting, not to mention the 3 hours of riding each way since I'll be on backroads and the hour to do the service. (I do own a motorcycle trailer, but it's only used for track days, and when I screw up. If they bike is working and has lights, it's being riden!) The dealer considering coming down and doing my bike and Travelin's together since we only live a few miles apart.
The worst part is that it sounds like this upgrade will be really good for me, so I really want it installed soon. It's been cold up here, and I would love for the bike to be more cold-weather friendly. Plus one of the local high power chargers (at Two Brother's brewery - great atmosphere and delicious food!) only charges at 15 amps, so I'm hoping the upgrade would allow me to charge at full capacity while I'm there