This is a question for all you EE types. Is it feasible to replace the unit that supplies 12V with something that has a higher capacity?
With all those kWH of capacity in the main pack, I'd like just a bit more watts available to run some 12V stuff. As it is, I can run my jacket (77W) or my gloves (36W) but not both at the same time. I'd gladly give up a few miles of range to be warm on my commutes.
Also, if the replacement unit could throw out a few more volts (like the 15V of an alternator?), then the heated gear would function much better. I've seen as low as 11V off the OEM unit.
The stock unit has been replaced on several bikes for throwing an error, so replacing it with something of better quality might make sense anyway.
I have no idea how to research the availability of alternate units, nor how to install one if available. Any educated guesses?