Just a comment or two: I like to think outside the box as much as anyone, but the history of the motorcycle business is that doing something innovative just won't sell - although BMW has had some success with different technologies, such as ABS (which took 20 years to become almost mainstream), different types of front suspension (which didn't sell for Yamaha) and fuel injection (which no one wanted on Kawasakis in 1979). Vincent tried to fully enclose one of their motorcycle models in the early 1950's and no one would touch it. There are all sorts of examples of manufacturers trying different things on motorcycles without much sales success. For whatever reason, most motorcycle (vs most any other vehicle type, including scooters) buyers hate innovation and anything that looks different from what they are used to.
This might not apply to the type of people attracted to the currently limited electric motorcycle market, but when EVs hit the mainstream, manufacturers will have more success selling them the more they look like current IC motorcycle models. At least that is my opinion based upon my 48 year motorcycle buying experience.