The problem first began when the bike would not fully power down, meaning that motor would turn off but the accessories (headlight and display) were remaining powered on. These accessories remained powered on even after the ignition key was turned to off and removed from the ignition switch. Interestingly, the bike's motor could still be turned on normally, by putting the key in the ignition switch and powering the bike on. This problem began suddenly. I rode my bike to an event and upon arrival, the accessories would not power off. I left the bike like this for about two hours in the driveway and then rode home nothing out of the ordinary. Once I returned home, the accessories would still not power down. Not knowing what else to do, I let the bike sit with accessories on overnight. The next morning the battery was dead and the motor would no longer power on. At this time the display and headlight, though dim, were still on. So the batteries had some power. I tried to charge the bike but to no avail. The bike was not recognizing the charger connection. I had the bike towed to a local shop. I told them I thought it was a faulty ignition switch. Several days later they informed me they tested the ignition switch, that it was not the problem, but they were not sure what the problem was. By this time the bike batteries had totally died, and the problem remained undiagnosed.
I then took the bike back home, having it towed again. I tried to externally charge the battery modules externally as suggested here: First I tried charging the battery powering the AC Converter. But there was no response when the charger was connected. When that didn't work I charged every battery module individually, and yes it took a couple of days. The battery cells were tested with a voltmeter, and they were charged, but the bike refused to power on, the display was blank and completely unresponsive to turning the key.
I have downloaded and installed the Brammo Empulse Log Inspector v1.03 and loaded the log files but have no clue how to read it. I have tried numerous shops in San Jose, CA with no luck. They all say they don’t work on the brand. Any help or advice is appreciated.