new video added of upper module opened and running diagnostic software. notice blinking lights on the boards and the humidity numbers on the screen? This battery has been completely disassembled to look for any signs of water. then reassembled and has sat in my garage for the last few weeks with the cover off. No significant rain fall in a couple of months. Garage is very dry and comfortable to work in. Temps in the upper 80s during the day. todays humidity is 20%. I have not recorded previous humidity levels locally. So why the wide range of humidity numbers between the boards? Discuss
From the location of the blinking LEDs on the boards, it is now clear why they are only visible from the outside on one side of the battery pack (through the sight glass at the back of the upper pack and at the front of the lower pack).
A humidity difference of 10% between modules 1 to 4 seems a lot, but I think it's ok, at least according to the data from my upper battery pack. What were the moisture values before you opened this package?
When I looked at my data from 2016, the humidity in all seven modules was between 28-30%. These are probably the best values that can be achieved.
I don't have the B40 and B8 problem yet, so I recently tried reducing the humidity by just unscrewing the two sight glasses of the lower package:
1st test: I unscrewed the sight glasses while charging outside, in sunny weather. The relative humidity decreased by about 5% in all three modules during charging.
2nd test: I unscrewed the sight glasses, placed a dust filter on the lower hole, and used the upper hole to vacuum the air inside the module with a hand-held vacuum cleaner for half an hour. The relative humidity decreased by about 10% in all three modules.
In both cases, the ambient humidity was about 45-50%, the temperature about +26 Celsius and a slight breeze. Unfortunately, after one or two days when the motorcycle was in the garage, the relative humidity in all modules returned to its original (higher) values.