The bike won't go without the headlight on? If so, then why not turn the headlight on when I start the bike? Perhaps that's how the Enertia Classic works, and the Plus is a little more streamlined.
Watching the video over again, a few more questions came to mind:
- I notice that it takes a few seconds before the start button allows the bike to go. I wonder if we would be able to configure that to take less time.
- Can the bike be in GO mode with the kickstand down? Gavin, you didn't start the bike until after the kickstand was up (do you do the same thing when on an ICE bike?)
- If the bike can be started with the kickstand down, what happens if you try to move forwards? (My bike will kill the engine, but perhaps the Enertia will simply not move).
All these questions could probably be answered but getting on one of those bikes for a couple of minutes. Alas, that's not possible right now. Less than 2 weeks before the dealer road show gets underway!