Welcome, Kyle. I appreciate your honest expression of your feelings and considering the viewpoint of those who feel differently. The strident tone in political expression is all too much with us these days. I can be "for" something without be an "adversary."
I took exception to all the folks over on elmoto opining about the transmission without ever riding one. Much theory, much defending a position, much name calling. (I got called a FanBoy which I took as a compliment since I'm pushing 70!).
As I posted over there today: A mentor once told me: "Men want to be always right. Right. Right. Dead right." Me, I'd rather go for a nice ride, which I just completed on my Empulse. Fun bike and I just wish the lads over at City Bike had taken just a bit more time to educate themselves.
Would love to see your conversion. If you're in the Bay Area, maybe we'll swap for a ride when you're done?
2013 Empulse
2010 TMax (auto transmission!)