Update: I did not, in fact, crash!
I'll post more details later, but I just got this video uploaded. Prepare to be riveted and amazed by my assuredly terrible line decisions!
This was a practice session, and as you'll see we only got about 4 laps each time. I was super cautious on the first lap due to being scared of cold slicks. I was very slow, but I was not the slowest! My first laps out were in the 2:20s, and by the end of the day I managed a 2:12.
In any case, the entire event was a spectacular experience. Lots of prototype electrics I hadn't seen before, including a Mini and the Fiat 500e. Some incredible conversions, probably the prettiest of which was a Karmann Ghia, and the fastest of which was an M3 (the link to the news page has a picture). There were Model S everywhere; the place was just littered with them. One interesting thing I learned was that the Tesla Roadster can basically only do about 3 laps max before succumbing to heat.
The bike class was a little exciting . . . lots of homemade contraptions (one of which literally spilled water overflow onto its own rear tire BY DESIGN). Toward the end of the video, at the start of the post-checkered-flag cooldown lap, you can see one of the more hilarious entrants. Basically a giant longboard scooter with some batteries stuck to it. Two Zero riders also somehow managed to T-bone eachother in a corner but both were thankfully fine.
For the most part all the riders were super friendly and excited just to be in a space with other electric bikes. The only other e-bike I've ever seen parked in my garage in downtown SF (which I left a note on to say hi) ended up being a girl who worked at Zero who recognized my bike. Richard, I met your RS50 rider and he was doing quite well. There was also a dude riding a crazy custom converted Honda something who took my bike for a brief spin and came back sporting a genuine Empulse Grin™.
Also FYI there's nothing in the world quite like doing laps and having Shelina and Eric giving you tips and pointers afterward. And everybody on the Brammo team were insanely helpful with both technical and riding assistance. I was incredibly nervous starting out, but very quickly found myself having a ball and wishing the sessions were longer. That marks my second time on a track ever, and I think I may well end up doing it more.
Everybody here should do it next year. Everybody!
Also if you don't mind looking at watermarks, there are a crapload of pictures
here (in the sections that say Refuel)