Interesting takes....Time will tell how it all plays out.
I can say that here (Albuquerque), even with nice year round weather---though not San Diego or Hawaii weather for sure, well very very few people commute by motorcycle.
In Europe I see EV commuter bikes selling like funnel cakes at a stand by the exit of a Fat Farm...but not in the least not for a few more years...Americans LOVE cars...after that, Americans love FAST bikes.
I think the Empulse will do better in the States than the Enertia, Plus or Zero bikes.
Heck, the EV dirt bikes have a better chance of selling in the States than the commuter bikes (and I love me some commuter bikes...I just know that in the 7 years I've been commuting by scooter, motorcycle and bicycle that I am often fairly lonely...More bicycle commuters than motorcycle commuters...and of the bikes on the roads in the summer months...40 percent high end--Harleys and BMW bikes---25 percent beater bikes (old hondas and such) and 25 percent sports bikes and about 10 percent scooters---higher scooter count around the college though.
Every city will be different....and GAS PRICES could change a lot of this.
But for a commuter, especially for first time people and people trying to save money, many will go scooter or cheap beater off craigslist. Next people will go sports bike...lastly people will go High End bike or Electric.
Electric has a tough road ahead of it...prices need to come down...hopefully that will happen (like with HD TVs) after the early adopters help fray down the start up costs....
See, we do have an important task ahead
Spend a lot of money to help out our fellow countrymen and perhaps make the world that tiny bit better.