Good points Protomech... I REALLY like your MPGco2 calculations.
The only issue with that website, is that it does not take into account Wind in the area and that we've signed up for this: really drives the message home.... how much less am I poluting with Oregon Renewables than: National average, All Oregon Energy, SV650, Genset and my car.
The Portland General website states that my household is at ~1% of the national average for CO2 (1216 lbs/MWh from the website you linked) or 551.6g/kWh... and 1% of that is 5.516 g/kWh. Then at 0.148 kWh/mi and 5.516g/kWh we get 0.818 g/mi. Using the 819lbs/MWh number, I get 55g/mi.... so I'm doing 67times better by having my electricity come from renewables, rather than "everything"
Then, here's the insane part.....If I use your conversion to MPGco2, (8800g/gal)/(0.818g/mi) = MPGco2, we get
10,757 MPGco2SV650 gets ~45mpg, that's about 195.5 g/mi.
Genset gets 40.5mpg, 8800g CO2/1gal would produce ~217g/mi
Audi A4 gets ~22mpg when I ride to work (better highyway), that's about 400g/mi.
My Empulse, by Protomech's equations, is:
489 times better with respect to CO2 Emissions than my Audi A4
265 times better with respect to CO2 Emissions than a gas generator
239 times better with respect to CO2 Emissions than my old SV650
That's even more reason to ride my motorcycle!
That'd go up even more if I were to invest in Solar/Grid tie.