Author Topic: Clip-Ons, Rear Sets, and Seat Hump for the Enertia  (Read 2964 times)


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Clip-Ons, Rear Sets, and Seat Hump for the Enertia
« on: June 03, 2013, 10:08:13 PM »
OK! Even though I've only just acquired my Enertia, I'm anxious to start modifying it. It has always been my intention to configure an Enertia in the café racer style, but I need a bit of help figuring out just how to do that.

First thing: clip-ons. Can anyone recommend a set? I remember reading a post by BrammoBrian on (before the forum crash a few years back) wherein he recommended Woodcraft clip-ons. Alas, those old posts are now gone...

Second thing: rear sets. BrammoBrian also mentioned on ( that it would be possible to mount custom rear sets to the mounting holes for the aluminum motor covers. Does anyone know if that Brammo engineer he referred to ever got around to making those rear sets? How about where to go to get custom rear sets made?

Third thing: seat hump. This one will be tricky, as I don't want to replace the seat's subframe, so I might need to find a shop that can produce a custom tail. Anyone have an idea for where to source that kind of thing?

I'd love to hear everyone's ideas.