Congratulations, Jeff. That's 13k miles of some pretty hard/mixed use, too, if I might add. How many trackdays have you put on her?
Haha thanks! Counting ReFuel, I think I'm up to four trackdays? Plus nutso commuting, plus the blasted and scarred Mad Max-esque San Francisco road surfaces . . . definitely a working beast, nearly every day.
I cannot imagine relegating one of these machines to diaper-rubbed garage queen status. I can only hope that in a few decades, when electric motorcycles are a boring & commonplace sight and Brammo makes MotoGP bikes or whatever, I'll be the crazy asshole who actually rides his rare ancient first-generation Empulse (retrofitted to use 100 kWh Mr. Fusion batteries of course). Like
this heroic dude, but minus the expensive German parts.
Now if only there was a retrofit for a less swear-inducing rear axle . . .