Any resolution to your charging speed reduction, Auslander?
Negative, Ghost Rider. :/
Once Brammo sifted through a pile of charging logs and determined it was the charging unit, they sent one out to the dealer. They were two weeks out on bookings, which put it to Memorial Day weekend, I was gone then, etc, so it wasn't until this past Saturday I got it in.
Background: The bike will charge at 8 to 9 amps for roughly 22 minutes, drop to 3 amps, then 1 amp around the 25 minute mark.
Saturday, I told the service writer this when I bought it in, that the batteries were at 40%, plenty of room to go so if they needed to test multiple times, it could be done. Shortly after I left I noticed the charge was like 36%, lower than when I came in. I charged it for 45 minutes, and saw the same behavior. Called the dealer (Saturday, still), talked to the other service writer on the phone and explained what happened, said he'd talk to the tech. They called back yesterday (Tuesday) to tell me that apparently the tech left it plugged in for 10 or 15 minutes, saw it charging, called it done. So, they weren't thorough enough, and the problem still exists. I sent logs on Saturday to Brammo, and a follow-up email last night, still have not heard back. Finally able to parse the log files myself, I see the dealer instead charged it for 3 minutes. Three. Not 25. Not even "10 or 15".
That answers your question. It's all downhill from here.
(Not really kidding.)
I've had other issues and experiences: body plastic is almost fragile compared to other bikes, screw holes too close to the edges and not enough thickness around them allows them to crack easily (ask me how I know!), one of the brass nut-serts in the frame for the side panel bolts spins in place, so one side panel cannot be removed, etc (reinstalling the bottom body plastic *without* removing the side piece? Can be done, but a total PITA). I mailed Brammo's tech and CCd the local rep about these and other experiences and got exactly zero response to that email. If the side panel ever needs to come off I'm wondering if a dealer is going to bill me for something that's a factory defect. I get that Brammo is a boutique builder, but so is Ferrari, really. The Enertia+ has about the same top end and range (tho not at the same time, of course) as a DRZ400, but costs over 30% more. The DRZ's plastics are far more resilient, and for a bike that is mostly machine-assembled and spot-checked, things like stripped bolts or inserts don't happen. A handmade bike, you'd think someone would notice.
Optimistic that the charger would work, I ordered Givi hard cases to make commuting easier on me. However, I had to order from a dealer in Colorado, since my local 'dealer' stopped carrying Brammo about 4 days after I purchased mine. It's been over a week, the cases haven't even made it to Colorado yet. For some reason they have to go to the Colorado dealer who can then send them on to me, so I pay shipping twice on them, rather than just once, which almost doubled the shipping fees. I have a bit trouble accepting that I live in a world where Givi cases are going to wind up costing almost as much as BMW cases.
Pardon my disposition here, but this who thing is starting to fucking suck. Saturday I emailed two charge logs to Brammo, one from the dealer to see if they could tell how long they charged for, and the current one (45 minutes in) where the draw was back down to 1 amp. Last night I emailed Brammo asking if they had ideas for our next course of action. No response to either of those emails.
Thanks to the log reader I can see for instance a charge log from 06.2013 (a year ago, well before my recent purchase of it), 8 hours on charge, the bike went from 76% to 88%. Point here:
Someone should've noticed before it was sold. The earliest charge log, 02.2013, shows it on charge for 2.5 days. The highest value shown is 90.9% (I suspect this is a bug with something, somewhere, more below). The 2nd charge log, 23 hours, same thing. Next entry is the 06.2013 I referenced above. Interesting, is a snip like this at the end of a charge log:
SOC 90.9% (100.0, 100.0, 38.8, 38.8, 98.8, 98.8, 100.0, 100.0)
Does that look right? Maybe Enspector isn't reading something right from the Enertia's log format. That is from a charge that started 04.12.14 @ 2229, those values above were taken at 04.13.14 @ 1105, 12 hours on AC. In some other logs, the numbers for positions 3, 4, 5, and 6 (where the non-100.0 values are above) all show 0.0 when SOC is close to something like 40%.
I ran a charge after the dealer trip on Saturday, after I interrupted to pull the logs, that ran from 1558 to 1515 the next day, just shy of 24 hours. The log viewer shows 90.9% though the bike's dashboard showed 100%, hence my suspicion that something may be amiss with the log parser. The above oddball values (38.8, etc) are exactly the same as the snip above, in the last log entry prior to unplugging. Does this represent bad batteries? Did I get a lemon? WTH?
BTW, Protomech, at least for Enertia+ logs, using your log viewer, position 17 looks to be amps. I can see the graph initially jump to 9, then drop to 1 or 2 and hold there the duration of the time AC is plugged in.