The charger that comes with the bike only supports 110v and only up to 12A. You can't plug it into a 240v socket and it wouldn't help the recharge times even if you could (or if you got an adapter for any of the RV parks that have 110v/30A circuits - it would still only supply 12A).
The thing about 240v outlets is that they come in about a dozen different varieties depending on use so you have to have the right plugs to make things work. There are sites that sell bags of adapters to Tesla owners, but you might want to be a little more targeted if you are going to carry the device(s) on your bike.
First you should find out what kinds of outlets the RV parks have. I think most of them have a NEMA 14-50, and most also provide 110 hookups as well, but I don't know how universal that is so it is good to plan ahead and contact them. Once you know that, then you can plan your charging.
The smallest option would be the TurboCord (or at least it used to be a year or so ago when someone posted it and I still find recent mentions of it on sites that talk about EV charging options): provides both 110v and 240v charging at up to 16A which is more than the Empulse needs. The only issue is that they only offer a NEMA 6-20 plug on it for 240v (plus a standard 5-15 110 plug) so you'd need an adapter to plug it into a 14-50 outlet. It's also more expensive than other options at $650, but it is smaller and lighter (by quite a bit, especially compared to carrying separate 110v and 240v chargers) and offers the dual voltage capabilities so it is a nice option even at the higher price. You'd have to budget an adapter as well if you are staying at places that only offer 14-50 outlets for 240v. You could probably build one from $20-$30 in parts from Lowes/Home Depot.
Another option would be to look at chargers from Clipper Creek, who provides the Brammo chargers. They have some nice and cheaper 240v chargers and you can get them with 14-50 plugs or with a bare wire and install your own plug if you want something else. An LCS-20 which offers 240v/20A charging (20A circuit from wall, 15A to vehicle, but that is more than the 12A@240 that the bike can use), install your own plug, is under $400. Unfortunately, their portable versions that have 14-50 plugs built-in aren't that much cheaper than the TurboCord (around $550 compared to $650 for the TurboCord):