I've often wondered how the clock works. Usually, somewhere in a system where a clock is involved there is a small battery. I remember old desktop computers had a battery used for this purpose, sort of like a key fob CR2032 to keep the time circuit active. There doesn't seem to be a battery in the IP from pictures I have seen when they are apart. The earlier post seems to point to the VCU as the provider for the time you see on the IP. Has anyone ever had one apart to see if there is a battery in it? I think the VCU gets voltage from the main pack regardless if the bike is powered up or not. In that case, a backup battery would not be needed. However, I noticed that when I opened the service disconnect to do some work on my bike (which disables all high voltage, the clock time remained correct after I powered the bike back up. Something else that requires a small battery somewhere was involved.