mmmm, Layers and more layers. Always gloves, always jacket, always jeans..ALWAYS helmet.
Summer, fingerless leather gloves, Putty colored leather jacket, jeans
Spring and Fall, full leather gloves, Black leather jacket, jeans
Winter--Ski gloves every day, sometimes liner gloves and ski gloves for morning in single digits. Usually back to full leather gloves for ride home...much warmer at 5:30 pm than 7 am. Winter riding coat with 2 zip-in layers, jeans with either thermals under or rain pants over jeans (rain pants are good at cut wind cold). This is for my commute...if highway riding in winter, always liner gloves and ski gloves, and then many many layers of tshirt, shirt, sweater, coat....thermal legs, jeans and rain pants. winter I add the neck shield and usually wear a scarf too. Your neck gets COLD fast if any air hits it.
Which is why, at 49, I am finally thinking of getting a car for winter
. Well that and I can finally order an Electric car.