Keep in mind that the only mention of a 12 kwh bike is from Brammofan, likely in jest. Won't know until Brammo announces final specifications of course. I shot Brammo an email a few weeks back to confirm my preorder for a 6.0 kwh, they confirmed my position in the line. If Brammo does drop the 6 and 8 kwh bikes, I would hope they get that information out sooner rather than later.
Single order small quantity of good lithium cells seem to be $500-600/kwh now. Obviously there's more than the cell cost to the price deltas between the 6, 8, 10 kwh models.. packaging, testing, design, etc. Still would be nice to see either more compressed pricing or a capacity bump a year later. (on the other hand, it's possible that Brammo was really struggling to make the bikes work at $10-14k last year.. may be easier to do so this year).
If they can package 12 kwh on the race bike, I bet they can get 12 kwh on the street bike. (never mind that the race bike probably doesn't have an onboard charger, but has a larger motor, different shock packaging, etc)