One more simple suggestion...I think this makes about 8 suggestions so far...mostly minor this:
Ok, see this photo of me shoving gloves and cord and disc lock into under seat storage....
Now look at the electrical box on the upper portion. See the covered box on the bottom and left side with the mid and upper right side exposed...
Now a close up:
Covering the high voltage fuses on the left is smart. And exposing the mid right side where the low voltage fuses are is also smart as they are more likely to need replacing.
What I would like to see is the covered box extending over the round Flasher Unit on the top right. This flasher unit (which controls the turn signals) is pretty easy to dislodge. It does no damage being knocked with gloves and contact pins coming out of connection...but I've already accidentally done this twice...once I rode the whole day without turn signals thinking something was broke. Not a huge issue as I've ridden vintage scooters without signals many many times and can easily use hand signals...but I still do like to use signals when I have them.
It is easy enough to open seat and reseat the Flasher Unit into the correct spot and get the turn signals working again. But, since this isn't a part that should be needing replacement soon or often, well covering it make sense.
Brammo will get fewer calls and emails about how the turn signals have suddenly stopped working